How to Write a Career Goal On Your Resume: Examples and Tips




On the surface, writing a career goal for your resume doesn’t seem like such a monumental task: all you have to do is write down what you want to do over the next 7-10 years, right?

It’s actually a little more complicated. In fact, decisions need to be made that go well beyond simply stating your goals.

When writing a resume goal, set the stage for the entire document. If you don’t know what you want, or if what you want isn’t mandatory for an employer, then your resume won’t be either.

If you are uncomfortable with your career goal, it could be a sign that you should seek professional resume help from a resume service. Such a resume review list can help:

What does career goal mean on a resume?


A career goal tells you what you expect from your next job or career move. It is an opportunity for you to formally formulate your goals and immediately communicate to potential employers what you want to achieve.

For example, you could write a résumé goal that says, “I want to bring my skills and experience to the marketing department of a growing company.” Or, “I want to be considered for a position in your company where I have five years of experience can contribute to the company’s management. “

In both cases, your career goal is clear and directly related to your résumé. So let’s first address the question of how to write a career goal. Then I’ll show you 5 actionable tips how you can use your goal – to get the job you really want.

How to Write a Career Goal: Tips and Best Practices

1. Know what you want


As you write your resume, you will go through several drafts and several iterations until everything is right. However, if you start with a vague idea of ​​what you want, you will not have a clear picture of your own career goals. And that will drive hiring managers to hire someone else.

So spend some time thinking about the big picture and imagining where you want to be in a year and five years from now. Brainstorm, make lists, and write down what you want to do. Then ask yourself: What skills and experience do I need for these jobs?

2. Write your statement like a press release


When writing a resume goal, you may think that the best way to do it is to use simple statements like “Find a job as a marketing director” or “Seek financial opportunities.”

Instead, phrase your goal the way a journalist would write a press release on your resume. (Your resume is like a mini press release.)

For example, don’t say, “I’m looking for a career transition into technology”. That can mean almost anything. Instead, say something like, “I’m looking for a position that will use my experience in marketing technology to improve efficiency and increase sales.”

3. Be specific about the company


Your resume’s goal is your promotion. If the hiring manager reviews your resume, they can send it to someone else in the organization who may not see it right away – or not right away.

So when you’re writing your career goal, don’t just say, “Find an Administrative Assistant to join ABC Company.” Instead, say, “I’m looking for a job as an administrative assistant with ABC Company, a leading maker of widgets.” (Or what the organization is focused on)

4. Don’t focus on yourself


Your resume is not the place to go to talk about your personal life or hobbies. I know you aren’t applying for a job on a dating app – and you shouldn’t have anything on your resume that sounds like you. So when writing a career goal for your résumé, don’t say, “I want to find a job where I can combine my love of dogs with my public relations qualification.”

Instead, focus on the employer and what they want. (If it’s really true that you love dogs, save it for your cover letter or elsewhere – make sure your resume is focused on the employer.)

5. Use active words and power verbs


When writing down your career goal for your resume, make sure it is clear and concise. Use active words to convey what experiences you have that an employer finds valuable.

For example: “In three years, profitability can be increased by 27%.” Or: “Competent in rationalizing and improving production processes through the use of new technologies.” In both cases, the skill is clearly stated right from the start – and that is a great resume goal. A resume goal is your first chance to make a powerful impression.

Make it count. Remember that the goal of your resume is your advertisement. It should be short and to the point, it should get to the point and make it clear what career path you are looking for. If you have to write a resume goal because you’ve been looking for a job for more than a year or two, make sure your goal is very specific to what you want.

Don’t use the same resume goal for every single position you apply for. Use it as a guide to give you some ideas when writing your resume, but adapt it to each position you apply for. That will make it so much stronger.

And if you are interested in having your resume (and cover letter) written for you by a professional, click here to visit our website. We can help you – just take a look at the customer testimonials we’ve listed there. You will see why we have been able to help people like you.


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