The future of creativity presented by artificial intelligence

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The world was amazed by the latest displays of OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 and Google’s Imagen text-to-image technology. Beautiful, amazingly creative compilations, all generated by artificial intelligence (AI) systems. This is possible because the AI ​​has learned natural language understanding by looking at countless texts and images.

Today’s systems have been trained to output new images when text is input alongside images, bringing together two seemingly disparate things in a unique way, much to the delight of viewers. A traditional image, like an oil painting, can be repurposed to express something new or evoke a completely different feeling. It’s a new way of creating.

transform creativity

Imagine that with this AI technology, users no longer have to scroll through countless image results to find the best content for their needs. Unlike image search, people create something entirely new, something that has never existed before, something that perfectly suits their desires, whims, or content directions. All they have to do is type in what they want and the AI ​​will draw pictures and construct photos as described in the given text i.e. “Please give me a photo of a restaurant with a VentureBeat sign on the window that on Mars is .” New systems will return such photos. In essence, the system is an AI designer.

This creative power grows exponentially when also used to create videos from text that describes a situation and mood and involves virtual actors. Or when text + AI construct the music for videos and images.

Text-to-video or music technologies are already commercially available and will continue to be refined, opening up the potential for further creative processes. If AI can draw or design images, the roles of human designers could evolve. Having brilliant and inspiring ideas would become more important and the ability to distinguish the best from the worst will be crucial as drawing skills could be replaced by AI. Even less talented people could develop their own creative products with less effort.

The new company creative

But it’s not just about being creative, it’s also about how this technology can be used to impact our world. There are certainly many entertaining or even heartwarming applications that could enrich our personal lives, but how will AI reshape creativity in business?

For starters, it can drastically reduce the time, money, and resources that marketing and advertising teams spend. New campaigns could be rolled out in no time. AI-powered creative would enable teams to respond to changes in the landscape, respond to news or trends, or proactively launch products and services in entirely new ways.

Additionally, such content and materials could be easily replicated in multiple languages ​​to enable businesses using AI to reach global audiences quickly, easily and cost-effectively, further supporting international expansion. These are strong reasons to invest in AI technology for creative applications.

The Evolving Role of Man

However, the biggest question that worries many people is what the use of such technology could mean for the human role. If they stop making the creative, are they even needed? I would argue that they’re still building the creative, just with different tools that make it easier and cheaper.

In a world where AI systems could support creative processes, humans would still be taking on higher-level tasks such as generating ideas, directing, evaluating, revising, and making final decisions—and the possibilities would be infinitely more at their disposal. They would be responsible for constructing and defining the elements of the composition, but without the burden of putting them together. Using AI tools could increase productivity AND creativity as people can more easily perform different activities.

abuse potential

As with any breakthrough technology, there is a possibility of misuse. We’ve all seen images, hate speech and disinformation spread across social media – what would AI-generated content do differently? I believe our society can find an ethical consensus to use technology in a positive way, but we have the ability to regulate it if necessary.

A potential problem might be the copyright issue or plagiarism for an AI system used for creative development. DALL-E 2 has been trained online with countless images and it is possible to return an image very similar to an existing one. Likewise, problems with AI authors, AI music compositions and even more types of AI-generated algorithms can arise.

For example, recently virtual humans with AI-generated voices and faces have become popular around the world. In these cases, a virtual human’s face or voice can closely resemble an actual human’s identity based on large training data.

Applying human rules to AI creations

But our society has already come to a consensus about plagiarism of writing or composition by people. For AI, similar guidelines could be applied to creators, and if needed, an AI-based plagiarism checker could help verify users’ decisions for absolute clarity. Man is in control. The content creators define the rules of how text, images, videos and voice can be combined; You have set the course.

AI for creative applications is used to enhance brands. As such, AI vendors enabling these advances may also be selected based on the nature of their licensing relationships, the quantity and quality of images they have access to, the range of voice actors under contract, and the opportunities to combine such assets will create unique footprints and more should more supervision be needed.

And if not, new technologies that can preserve digital identities and the authenticity of images are rapidly emerging. For example, every human voice, every face, is made up of tens of thousands of features. The same applies to images. This makes it very, very difficult to fully replicate them without permission.

Extensive research work is already being carried out on deep fake detection. Similarly, researchers and data scientists are able to deconstruct the characteristics of a speaker’s voice to determine whether a unique voice was used in a video or audio snippet, or a combination of many voices through strategic and appropriate use mixed up by technology.

And researchers are working hard to develop other preventive solutions. In the field of AI in particular, the technology industry is learning from past mistakes in order to secure the future.

We stand on the precipice of a moment where creativity can take a giant leap forward. Amazing things will be possible if we just open our human minds to what could be.

Taesu Kim is the CEO of Neosapience.

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