Website Design for Law Firms: 18 Must-Haves to Boost Traffic and Leads | Good2bSocial

[author: Vondrea McCoy]

We all know that websites are a key part of any business these days. In an increasingly digital landscape, a law firm’s website is its virtual storefront. Too often, law firms pay a lot of attention to design aesthetics and not nearly enough time to the many other factors that go into converting website visitors into qualified prospects. In this blog we give an overview of the lead generation Characteristics of high-performing websites. Read on for some proven lead generation boosters that can not only increase conversions but also increase your website’s trust score and authority.

Be found first

Even the best website is of no use to your law firm if nobody can find it. Your law firm’s website must be search engine optimized. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing traffic to your website by ensuring that the website appears at the top of the list of results returned by a search engine.

1. Create inbound links:

Off-page SEO is essentially Building inbound links, which means other quality websites link to you. The more inbound links your site has, the more important your site needs to be (according to search engines). To get more inbound links, try submitting your site to online directories, focus on quality content, and avoid buying or swapping links.

2. OnPage SEO:

This part of SEO focuses on inclusion keywords inside your copy. Elements to focus on include headings, subheadings, body text, image tags, and links. Make sure you focus on people first, then search engines.

3. Title Tag and Meta Tags:

These areas aren’t as important to SEO as they used to be, but they’re still worth paying attention to. Most content systems allow marketers to edit these sections without code.

4. Fix Basic Issues:

Basic issues like slow load times, server errors, broken links, and low-quality images can all impact your search engine rankings. This is why law firms should conduct an SEO audit every 6 months to ensure no backend bugs have gone unnoticed.

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Focus on user experience

You want your website visitors to stay on your website. Most traffic leaves a website without navigating to other pages. Improve user experience and reduce bounce rates to ensure visitors spend more time on your law firm’s website and get into your sales funnel.

5. Creating a first impression:

You must immediately prove that your law firm is credible and trustworthy, as well as professional. Avoid a chaotic mix of colors and don’t add unnecessary elements like Flash animations or music. Create a very clear navigation structure and use fonts that are easy to scan. Make sure all design elements such as font, colors, shapes, images, and layout align with your law firm’s brand style guide. While the review may seem finicky, a clean and cohesive design lends your professionalism and trustworthiness.

6. Using the right images or videos:

A study showed that photos of real people perform better than stock photos 95% all the time. Be sure to place meaningful images on your website and use a conscious mix of text and graphics. Try using pictures or videos of your lawyers. See: 10 Video Marketing Examples From Lawyers Getting It Right.


A good, solid navigation structure that supports search preferences is crucial. The most important element in designing a law firm’s website is to make information easy to find. Therefore, we recommend easy navigation at the top of your site, adding navigation in the footer, and offering a search box so users can find other content.

8. Accessibility:

Anyone visiting your website should be able to see the content clearly, regardless of browser, operating system, or device. Check out the reports on this via Google Analytics and test often. It’s also important to make sure your website is ADA Compliant.

9. Delete CTAs:

It is important that users do not have questions about how to contact you or where to do so. You should include clear contact navigation in the header that leads to a lead generation form. It’s also a good practice to include CTAs on relevant pages like service pages or blogs so that when a user’s interest is piqued, they can easily take the next step.

10. Mobile Optimization:

A big part of the user experience is making sure that all visitors have a positive experience, no matter what device they are on. In fact, this last quarter has been found to be just over 58% of website traffic came from mobile devices. Imagine how many leads you will miss out on if your website doesn’t optimized for mobile devices.

You can test your website for mobile friendliness with Google Mobile friendly testing tool.

Content is king

An effective website acts as an inbound marketing machine. contents is what both humans and search engines are looking for. It’s also what ultimately turns visitors into leads.

11. Messaging:

With all content on your website, make sure that it clearly conveys what practices your law firm offers, what page they are on, what to do next, and why they should take the next step on your website rather than a competitor explore. Always include a clear call to action (CTA).

The text should be clear and informative on all pages. Remember who you are target group what their needs are and what problems they have. Then create a copy that aims to offer solutions in an easy-to-understand and user-friendly way.

12. Educate and add value:

A good website experience is not about your law firm. It focuses on the potential customer. Offer educational content such as eBooks, white papers, checklists, webinars, and videos. Think about the problems your website visitors are facing and develop content that can help them with their challenges (or lead them to advice). A large part of excelling in the legal space is to: a thought leader. Offering useful educational resources is key if you want to be seen as a leader in your industry and be remembered in your audience’s purchasing decisions.

13. Focus on quality:

Search engines are getting smarter, and that means quality content is more important than quantity. As we mentioned above, write for people, not search engines. Also, remember to keep the content fresh, updated, and relevant.

Remember to create the highest quality content:

  • Know your listeners– Content should always be geared towards what your audience actually wants to see, not what is most convenient for you to create.
  • Have a deep understanding of the topics you are writing about– Each topic you discussed should be well researched and include expert insight and statistics where appropriate.
  • Editing and proofreading– Mistakes and mistakes are one of the quickest ways to lose credibility and lose an edge.

14. Avoid jargon:

Industry-specific terms or phrases have been overused, which can put potential customers off your content. Expressions like “innovative” or “business-critical” no longer have the impact they used to have and can even reduce the effectiveness of your content.

In addition, always explain all legal terms used that are not generally known. Remember, your audience is looking for you because it is Not have extensive legal knowledge and need your help. Don’t make your website a confusing place.

15. Blogging:

Blogs are an essential part of a content marketing strategy. They help you create new pages of content for SEO, drive traffic to your site, and position you as a thought leader in your field. There are many tools to make the process easier, or you can Work with an experienced agency like us to create a compelling blog program.

Always add a clear CTA at the bottom of each blog so users can easily navigate to a lead generation form when deciding what to do next.

16. Make content shareable:

Social media has exploded in the last decade. This means that the content you create cannot necessarily be shared across social platforms. Add a sharing widget or plugin to your website and blog. You can use a tool such as Add that to make your content more shareable.

17. Customer Evidence:

Prospects want to see proof that you’ve done a great job for other people. Articles such as testimonials, case studiesand reviews are incredibly valuable in convincing visitors to take the next step with your business.

You can even use a tool like bird eye to easily add your best Google reviews to your website.

18. Other Forms of Content:

Don’t end your efforts with written content. Many media formats can create a richer experience for your website visitors. Consider including things like videos, online tools (such as a tax calculator), or audio snippets.

Content for the design of the law firm's website

Bring away:

Internet use has exploded and will continue to increase. It’s not enough to just have a website. A well thought out strategy around your law firm website design will include SEO, content and social media to help you generate more website leads. Use these tactics to actually get more business from your website.

This post was edited and republished on August 13, 2020.

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