Jury in Craig Wright’s lawsuit “cannot all agree on a verdict”


The judicial process between Australian Craig Wright and the estate of his late friend David Kleiman over tens of billions of dollars worth of legal rights to Bitcoin mined by Satoshi Nakamoto could end in misconduct if the jury remains bogged down.

Wright claims he used the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto when he invented Bitcoin. The negotiated case began in 2018, when the estate of his colleague Kleiman sued he on the grounds that the two partners were who invented and mined Bitcoin together

At around 5:00 p.m. UTC on November 2nd, the jury got bogged down for releasing the following: opinion:

“Unfortunately we cannot come to a conclusion and we cannot all agree on a judgment on any of the questions.”

As of 10 p.m. UTC, the jury got bogged down and will return tomorrow, according to the court reporter Carolina Bolada by Law360.

Judge Beth Bloom issued an Allen charge instructing the jury to continue deliberating until a verdict was reached. She said, “I suggest that you now carefully review and reconsider all evidence in the light of legal instructions from the court.”

However, if the jury is still unable to deliver a judgment, the judge could declare a malpractice.

Much is at stake in that case. Both sides claim Wright is Satoshi but argue over ownership of 1.1 million Bitcoin (BTC) that were mined at the time. Today that 1.1 million BTC is worth $ 62,568,836,000.

Related: Was the first answer to the Bitcoin whitepaper Satoshi himself? In-depth theory

In court, David Kleiman’s brother Ira argued on behalf of the estate that Wright broke an oral agreement with David to mine Bitcoin and jointly develop its technology.

Wright claims that there was no such partnership and that Kleiman only proofread the Bitcoin whitepaper because he was not a developer and could not have debugged the Bitcoin code.


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